Boy, does that verse describe my struggles with God over His definition of safety! Not a very pleasant description, but it has been true of me more often than I care to admit.
Fear can still keep me away from God. It can even make me struggle against Him, requiring a "bit and a bridle otherwise I will not come near" to Him. What a shame it is when I will not come near to the very source of peace and comfort in the midst of my fear!
There's a trail to follow here. I resist because I'm afraid. I'm afraid because I don't trust His love for me. Perfect love casts out fear. (I John 4:18) Only God perfectly loves. As I BELIEVE His love and TRUST His love, my fear gets casts out. It gets replaced. Because "there is no fear in love" (also 1 John 4:18), when I choose to trust His love, fear gets shoved aside as my master. With eyes on the One True Master, and the immensity of His love for me, I am more eager for His nearness and resting in His love than I am in "trusting" my fear.
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