Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God is Good

Hi Folks.  I'm just jumping on here to apologize for not posting for so long.  I just got back from a month out of town and it's taking me longer than I expected to settle back into things here at home. I hope to get some things up here before too much longer.  Hang in there with me and check back in.  A nifty little feature I managed to figure out how to include on this blog is the Subscription feature to the right.  Just click on it, fill in your email address, and whenever I post to From Fear To Eternity you'll get an email notifying you. No random checking the blog to see if I've posted'll know in your email.  Slick, huh?

In the meantime, remember: 

God is great. God is good.

His definition of "good" is different than ours...higher than ours...but we can trust it and rest in it, even if it may hurt for the moment.  His definition of "good" for our lives is not arbitrary or random, or simply declared "good"  because He is God and He can define things as He wants.  He really is utterly, absolutely, always good.  It's just that His definition is based on a value system that's higher than ours.  It's an eternal value system.  There is a higher good than our earthly comfort, ease, or pleasure.  Sometimes that higher good must trump the earthly good we know, and love, and want.  Trusting God and accepting what He has for us in the moment will bring peace and rest, and a pleasure of His presence that is so comforting, strengthening, and priceless.

Blessings to you, dear ones.