"Be to me a rock of strength, a stronghold to save me." ~ Psalm 31:2
"For You are my strength. Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have ransomed me, o Lord, God of truth." ~ Psalm 31:4b-5
Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide. Free me from hidden traps; I want to hide in You." ~ Psalm 31:3 MSG
"You saw my pain, You disarmed my tormentors" ~ Psalm 31:7 MSG
I love the Psalms. They are so personal and so emotional. I go to them when I am troubled, when I am afraid, or when I don't really know what I'm feeling. I have so many underlines in them that often I can leaf through the pages and be "grabbed" by a number of beautiful verses that speak to and of my heart. The psalmists often write about enemies, tormentors, those that lie in wait and are out to harm, etc. Though David, being the author of many psalms, was literally being chased and hunted for destruction by Saul and his armies, I easily relate the enemies he wrote of to mean my own personal enemies and our real enemy, Satan. My personal enemies are such things as fear, my particular propensities to sins, my weaknesses, and such. In this way, the Psalms speak even more powerfully to me in my areas of personal challenges.
When I read, "You saw my pain; You disarmed my tormentors", I remember that Jesus has already disarmed my tormentor of fear. His death on the cross took away the power of that enemy. I don't have to be afraid. He has made the solution for my fear. It is His love. I can be safe from the torments of fear; He has disarmed its power. Now... to embrace this truth and make it a part of every cell of my body! That is my quest! To remember that HE has the power and not fear. I am no longer a servant of fear, having to obey its every knock, its every whim, its every command. I have a choice.
I have a choice. A choice to trust. Or a choice to roll over to fear again.
"...Terror on every side....But as for me,
I trust in You, O Lord,
I say, "You are my God."
My times are in Your hand." ~ Psalm 31: 13-15a
"Hour by hour I place my days in Your hand,
safe from the hands out to get me." ~ Psalm 31:15 MSG
I'm frequently reminded that God's Word says Have no fear. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I don't.