Along with lightening and thunder, other things have fostered the creeping in of fear lately, too. I wrote in my journal this morning: "I need to focus on God's love. I have been afraid lately."
I woke up with a phrase from one of Amy Grant's new songs playing in my head, "If you are brave, then come into my world." The song is very powerful, knowing her "world" when she wrote it was full of pain and turmoil. She felt alone and overwhelmed and "no one came to call" anymore.
Whenever I awake with a song in my head, while I realize it's because I've been hearing the music, I also take note of it and try to see what I can glean from it for myself. I think the Holy Spirit often puts songs, or specific phrases of songs, into my heart and head as gifts to me, as things to get my attention and think about. So today, I pondered these lyrics, I couldn't help but think of them as if God were the speaker rather than a person. "If you are brave, then come into My world."
What would my life be like if I stepped fully into God's world, God's possession, God's authority? This is another place where fear has often been the victor in my life. I've hesitated to "give God my all", hesitated to surrender all of me. Today I wrote, "I still fear what He'll 'do' to me or allow. Oh, let's face it -- I'm afraid of giving up the control of my own life. And yet this 'control' leads to most, if not all, of the unhappiness in my life. Being in control is way too big a task for someone who actually has very little control, very little power. Why don't I freely submit --RUN to submit -- to the One who not only has the power, but has the authority AND is Himself LOVE. Lord, help me to run to You." Then I wrote the words to a song we sing at church:
I run to You, I run.
I run to You, my constant love
I run to You, where else could I run to?
I run to You.
I've been reading the Bible out of my new parallel Bible
"I run to You, God. I run for dear life." ~ Psalm 31:1
Guess that's my message for the day. Run to God.
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